Parking Day YYC
public installation
financier: Nyhoff Architecture
Daily, the shimmer of chrome and glint of mirrors flashes as cars hurriedly shuttle down busy city streets, insulating occupants from the cityscape around them. At journey’s end, vehicles become little more than shiny unoccupied voids within the city fabric giving nothing back, but the promise of isolation to the next occupant. Re-View Mirror inverts the relationship of auto-isolation and the city, repurposing the shiny reflection of car exteriors to fill the void and engage passersby with the immediate cityscape. The formally engaging but experientially banal exterior gives way to the dramatic mirror-lined interior, soaking in and radiating the world around it back to the viewer in new and exciting perspectives. Instead of insulating individuals from their context, RVM places individual in the center of a unique environment, constantly offering new views of changing with the city around it. Re-View an alluring and inviting focal point, beckoning individuals to interact with a sparkling jewel inset into the liminal space designed to separate the pedestrian and automobile realms.
Finacier: Nyhoff Architecture
Sponsors: HD Laser
ABL Imaging